Monday, May 12, 2008

Through my son's eyes

Got a lovely booklet from Toothless for Mother's day..
Following are the questions his teacher asked and his reply
My mother..
Her favourite colour : Green and then Blue.
Favourite TV Show: Desperate housewives
Her favourite pet name for me: Munchkin and little imp.
She likes to cook: ela shappadu(Banana leaf rice)
Her favourite food: ela shappadu
She looked beautiful: when she got married
She looked funny: when I was a baby
I want her to know: That she is the best mama in the whole wide world.
She is: Awesome, amazing, superstar,terrific,always mine.


Open Book said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah,

I was just reading your blog(through a link I found at my friend's blog)...and I like the way you write. I never thought I would come across people who write so well when I started reading blogs(And I have read too many books in life, for my own good). This is turning out to be more interesting than books and that's saying a LOT.

Keep writing...and I'll keep reading!


VIDYA said...

Hi Sarah Chechy,

Could not find an e-mail address hence i'm leaving this comment here.
Noticed that you have made your 'daughters of tommorow' a private blog. Guessing you have a reason for this change, Will miss your posts. Would it be possible to keep atleast your old posts for us? So that we can re-read. As an ardent follower of your writing, as someone who thinks your story is unique i will really really miss your blog. :) Bye

Nightingale said...

I like the way you put things.. interesting and unique style of writing :)