Wednesday, April 26, 2006

10 things I miss the most

Thanu me
10 things I miss the most

1. My grandmother. She passed away. I don't know when, where and how she passed away and as an orthodox christian it is even harder, when I can't ask for the special prayer at the church on her death anniversary

2.My ancestral home in Chengannur..It is no longer there. I miss the creek infront of the houses, i miss those days i spend there.
3. My grandmother's food. My mother was the worst cook on planet earth, she was also on a mission to save money. The two together means, food at home isn't something you look forward to each day. My grandmother on the other hand lived each day to the fullest. She made the best fish curry on planet earth and i miss her food
4. I miss my sisters. I haven't seen 2 of my sisters for nearly 4 years. Auckland is too far..and our holidays always clashed.. I miss them a lot
5.I miss Malaysia and my house there. I miss the food court right across my home and the old chinese lady who made the best penang char fried kway teow. I miss the morning market and the dosai ammachi. I miss the sunday night market and the pirated vcd sellers
6. I miss 2 of my best friends JL, and Peter, who were came to my life for a reason, stayed for a season and left without a reason.
7. I miss the times when my kids were babies.. their first smile, first step,first words..etc. each day something new would happen..
8. I missed my internship days.. work was hectic, but there was a joy knowing that I am now a real DR.. I could treat human beings!!!!
9. I miss Bangalore..Initially i hated everybit of bangalore.. I couldn't understand the language, the culture and customs..But after couple of months, you get transformed and see things differently. Kannada was the easiest language i ever learned. When i had rural postings in remote areas, local people were still hospitable. Bangalore was one place, my butt never got massaged. They respected woman. I felt safe there
10. I miss riding my horse to Chamundi hills in the evening and watching the city lights from the hills.. It felt there were stars above me in the sky and below me in the ground.. I have never seen a beautiful city like Mysore in my life.


hope and love said...

that was soo good.. u write soo well

Thanu said...

Thank u, I wanna take horeback ridding classes

Sarah said...

Hope and Love:thank you..
Thanu:now you know lesson number one..hold the reins..

starry said...

I grew up in Bangalore, I still think it is the best place to live in.Its my home.

Sarah said...

I spend 5 yrs in Bangalore..when I was doing medicine. First year I hated bangalore and wanted to leave. I didn't hv enough money to go back to Malaysia, I saved..second year..I could have gone back to Malaysia..but didn't want to..I fell in love with bangalore by then

Scoot said...

yeah it's hard not to fall in love with Bangalore.It has some magic to it despite all the nonsense that is going on there,in terms of bad auto drivers and pollution of all sorts

Lisa said...

You are someone who have lived and seen almost every place in the world, still you say you havent seen a beautiful city like Mysore!!! so I am lucky enough to live there..:) though havnt seen much of the world..:)