Sunday, May 14, 2006

Thisisme: of

Thisisme: of

I saw this post on the web and I was so heartbroken. It is a casual observation about abortion.A woman, could abort a baby, because she isn't mentally prepared to have a child. Abortion is like changing a soiled diaper? Or is it like changing a shirt? She blames the pregnancy on her spouse's refusal to wear a condom. Then justifies about choices..and too young and mental inability. She is able to have sex, but unable to stand up to the end result. I once had a patient who came to me for pregnancy test. And when i congratulated her, she matter of fact asked me, who is the best gynae I can recommend for an abortion.( Abortion is illegal in Malaysia) and I asked her why does she want to have an abortion? Her explanation was classic "I am going to Germany for a course for 6 months and really didn't want to be bothered with a pregnancy. I want to have a good time and won't be able to do the things I want to if I am preganant". When there is so much options, pills, condoms, jabs..women still get preganant and then kill their unborn child..and then call it a choice.. Does anyone even think about that little baby, that is n't even allowed to be born? I understand the need for some women to have an abortion, especially if it happend after a rape.. but that woman didn't have a choice..these women who abort their baby on the basis of wanting to have a good time or for mental inability, had a choice. They could have taken the they didn't want to, because there are dr's out there who can make quick bucks with a single act of D&C..and then tell they are helping woman to make the choice.. Yes it is indeed a choice, yet we jail people for murder..and what do we call a mother who killed her new born child, wouldn't the same term apply to the one who killed her baby in the womb?
We are a bunch of sick people.


geeth said...

Yeah, amongst us, there are some sick peeple.. who have yet to love life!

Has to be me said...

Abortion sucks. I think its damn brutal to kill ur own sibling...who is a part of u. But maybe its yet to reach them to understand this. Or who knows whatever stand they r taking to do this cruel act.