Tuesday, May 23, 2006

To my daughter

When I held you
your eyes were closed
but you knew it is me
cause you snuggled.

When I looked at you
for the first time
I knew you are mine
just mine.

Whenever you cried
I cried with you,
your pain
magnified a 1000 times.

When you fell down
it was my knee
that hurt the most.
my heart that was crying.

When you got
first rank at school
It was my heart
that was about to explode(with pride)

When you get angry
and I irritate you
always, saying(lovingly)
'just like your father'.

When you laugh
it feels
like 1000 pearls
dropped on the floor.

Baby one day
you will leave me,
I will have to
let you go.

Then I want
you to know,
You have been loved
more than anything.

As a mother
I consider you
as the best gift
I ever received.

As a mother
I chersh
each of these
precious moments.

I promise you this
I love you and will
always love you
till my last breath.


starry said...

That was just beautiful, you described everything a mother feels.It brought tears to my eyes because it is hard to let go and one day it will come.I am going through this and it is hard.

Unknown said...

U've made my eyes go wet. Simply beautiful. Only a mother understands wat a mother feel for her dgtr.

jac said...

That is my Mom

Vindys said...

Other side of Celin Dion's song "Goodbye's (The Saddest Word)"