Friday, April 27, 2007

How blessed I am

Suddenly it hits you, it is something that was right in front of you all the time, yet you never saw it.. Often I have heard others telling me how lucky my kids are. And I never stopped once to think!
This evening as I walked holding Yaya's and Tootheless's hand after fetching them from school, it occured to me, my life, my existence would have had no meaning if I didn't have them.and I realized that
I am blessed, indeed blessed to be their mother.


Priya said...

awwww..They are blessed to have you as their mom as well. Motherhood is such a joy :)

upsilamba said...

one day, some day one day,
I wish to meet you and your little ones.
Hugs to the lil ones :-)

Visithra said...

;) happy mothers day darling in case i dont wish u on time - u are a blessing to ur children n they were the gift u struggled for

Bittu's Mamma said...

Happy Mothers Day Sarah!