Friday, June 15, 2007

School year almost coming to an end.

In 2 weeks time, another school year will be over.
It has been a very remarkable year for the kids.
We walked to school every day. Some days it was sunny, some days it rained non stop, some days it snowed, and some days the temperature dropped to -15 degrees. Still we survived.
I learned a lot this year. I learned about Beluga whales( believe me, I didn't even know there was such a whale in the ocean), I learned about snails, I learned to finger paint and most of all I learned to live in a messy house.

She won the academic achievement award twice this year.
she is attending the gifted child program
She is in level 6 swimming and in level 4 skating
She is also in the soccer team( in the boys team!!)
She has so many dresses and still wear the same jeans and t shirt every week..( and I get so mad because she is like me and I can't scold her)
She wants to be an artist when she grows up.

Toothless had a very remarkable year.
he scored straight A for all the subjects
He spend many evenings sitting on the couch from 2.45 till 7.45 because he was naughty at the school and didn't listen to his teacher.
All the normal routine punishments had no effect on him and I had to resort to the 'sitout' punishment. Ever since the 'sitout' punishment has been implemented, he has been making an effort not to get in to trouble.
He is getting braces for his teeth this summer and hopefully that will stop his thumb sucking habit.
He is in level 4 swimming( been in level for 6 months!) and level 2 skating.
He is also in the soccer team
He still wants to be a truck driver, may consider a train driver job as well!


Baby is going to make me cry. In two months time she will go to Kindergarten and I will have no one to play tea party with and no special helper to help me make cookies and cakes. I dread the thought of spending 5 hours in a quiet house and all these years I longed for peace and tranquility!
Baby is waiting eagerly for the school to start.
she is in Pre school level 5 swimming and Pre school level 3 skating
She wants to play soccer like her siblings but is too young to be in a team


Sunita said...

Wow Sarah!!! You have Wiz kids out there :). God Bless.

Priya Ramachandran said...

Oh Sarah... They grow up so quickly don't they? Yup little whizkids in the making :)