Monday, January 29, 2007

Justice for Altantuya Shaaribuu

Altantuya Shaaribuu( 1978-2006)

A beautiful mother of 2, Mongolian National, part time model was shot twice in the head and her remains were blown up using C4 explosive in Malaysia.
I am blogging about her, so the world will know about her and justice will prevail.
Nobody deserves to die like that.

What is C4 Explosive: C4 is a high quality, high velocity plastic explosive used commonly in the military either for demolition or as an antipersonal device. Half a kilogram of C4 is enough to demolish a truck!
Average of costs of C4 is about 15 british pounds /kg.
Because of its sheer destructive power and the low cost, C4 is a controlled explosive. You need plenty of licenses to buy it.
There for, it is highly unlikely that an ordinary joe public in Malaysia has access to C4 explosive.

So the big question is who has C4 explosives in Malaysia..

Does defence ministry rings any bells?
Does the defence minister ring any bells?
Isn't the accused Mr Baginda a close pal of the defence minister?

Usually in Malaysia, justice can be bought( as can be seen in the recent bungling of murder trials involving famous people with right connections), and in this high profile case, where a leading politician and his crony are involved, what justice can one expect?

There has been plenty of bad publicity for Altantuya in Malaysia. She has been portrayed as a gold digger . Her 9 year old son had to write a letter in defence of his late mother.
This is her son's letter.

Cover up is a magic commonly practised in Malaysia to save the backside of our dignitaries. So far, Altantuya's immigration records at the KL international airport has been erased( there is no evidence of her entering Kuala Lumpur !! and how can you blow up her body, when she didn't even visit Malaysia!!)
and the case has been fixed for trials in 2008. By then a lot of evidence can be changed,erased.manipulated and most of all it is hoped that everyone would forget about her.

I believe in the power of blogs.
Please help me to spread the word, so the world knows about Altantuya Shaaribuu..and atleast let us make sure that she gets justice, that she rightfully deserves.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hi Sarah! Found u on Jina's blog...really appreciate the choice of topics as well as style u've adopted thro'out the blog.

I'm a recent blogger...startin to believe in the power of blogs. I was amazed at how people would mail in response to what i've written out there, not darin to put in a people love it to reduce the discussion into one between them and the writer, and not a public one! Nevertheless, it surprised me to note that people do read blogs and take pains to respond!

Will keep checkin out ur space. Cheers!