Sunday, May 28, 2006

I remember

I remember walking
up the hill
I remember waiting
at the clinic
I remember seeing
the 2 lines
I remember feeling
top of the world
I remember telling
I remember checking
my tummy
I remember working
on a snowy day
I remember thinking
I should be careful
I remember going
up the steps
I don't remember
how I fell down.
I remember holding
my tummy
I remember thinking
my god, my baby
I remember rushing
to the clinic
I remember waiting
anxiously for the Dr
I remember ,Dr speaking
you are ok.
I remember asking
for a scan
I remember being
I remember praying
for you
I remember the bleeding
3 months later
I remember rushing
to the emergency
I remember praying
I remember seeing
the numerous baby pictures
I remember thinking
this will be a girl
I remember the annoying
I remember not seeing
the heart beat
I remember thinking
this can't be.
I remember feeling
my world ended.

To the baby I lost, I want you to know, I still think of you everyday.


starry said...

Beautiful. I lost a baby also in my third trimester and it was my first.I still feel the pain and it cannot be forgotten.

geeth said...

Sorry to hear about the loss. It must have been real painful. Your rememberence of her.. beautifully written.

Unknown said...

Very beautifully written & so very touching.
There culd b no other pain in this entire universe than the pain of loosing a child.

m.reza said...

men can cry too. i am. now. so no need to tell how it touched me. so sorry.

jac said...

am sorry.