Friday, May 19, 2006

Will it??

Waking up
is the
of realization
each day
every day
that I lost you

going to bed
every night
with the hope
each day
every day
that you would come back

Why do we
throw the dice
and take
silly stupid
in life?

You are mine
always mine
each day
every day
even when
you aren't here

Time is with me
to wait
to waste
to throw
another dice
for another chance

time change
tide change
seasons change
people change
but my love
will it..?..only you will know


Scoot said...

No...only You will know,perhaps.
Sometimes if our love is lost on someone who can't give it back to us,then it's better they leave.hope someone comes along and fills up that void.I know it will be a huge one to replace but it will.

starry said...

I think you loved this person a whole lot. I pray that he comes back .