Friday, June 09, 2006


what are my choices?

Do I go to work?
Do I stay back home?

Do I leave my kids with someone else?
Do I raise them myself?

Do I get to take care of them when they are sick?
Do I get a nanny to do that?

Do I get to buy new sexy clothes?
Do I get to wear hand me downs?

Do I get to drive a flashy car?
Do I get to walk every single day?

Do I get to be there when the kids come back?
Do I get a nanny to do that?

Do I get to bake a yummy cake for them?
Do I get it from the shop?

Do I get to kiss them before they leave for school?
Do I get a nanny to do that?

Do I get to go through their school work?
Do I never get to know what they learn at school?

Do I get to hear. Dr Sarah.. every few minutes?
Do I get to hear mama every few minutes?

Do I get to go to a massage center, when I have a head ache?
Do I get a fantastic 'pretend' coffee, made by three lovely children?

Do I get to answer each of you who ask me why I gave up my career?
Do I have to explain?


starry said...

If it is for all those reasons, then it is worth it.

m.reza said...

what ever makes you happy!

Anonymous said...

I hope I am not "advicing" you. But are your doing the same
'mistake', again? First you lived for your 3 sister and now for your 3 kids. Please dont read it in a bad sense,but I know my Uncle who survived a major illness and worked every single minute for his 3 kids. Today when they all are above 18, I have seen them cursing him,neglecting him -- making him cry. He is one dad who would buy a sports car for his kid, but would skip a lunch if that will add to the money. A very loving dad and one of the kids recently told me," Dad lives for money only!" I wanted to slap him. Taht uncle did 3 jobs to support his family and also since he had so much kadam due to his illness. They all know that,still. These kids will realise what they are doing only when they are too late! So, live for yourself a little bit too, and no dont give away your career for anyone. I mean ,I am not saying you should work 24 hours and ignore your kids. Hope you understand what im trying to say.
That might be the only thing you will have to fall back upon. Love only flows downwards,most of the times. So, I would want to hear someone call you Dr Sarah and mama too!!