Monday, June 12, 2006

Was it all worth?

Was it all worth?
you left us
to win over

You walked away
from your own
flesh and blood,
you children.

You sold
our home,
to teach us
a lesson.

You didn't tell us
when Ammachi passed away
to teach us
a lesson.

You didn't give
me your address
to teach me
a lesson.

Was it all worth Appa?
Was it all worth
the hearaches you gave
in the name of a lesson?

Do you know
you have 3 grand children?
Does it matter
at all?

Does it matter
that they would
never see you
or know you?

Was it all worth?
Running away?
How much
must you spite us?

Everyone here
is sending gifts
for their father
some even dedicate their blogs.

What should I do?
Dedicate a blog
to a pathetic man
who was forever teaching lessons?

When you go to bed
each day
Remember, you can't give me
Back my childhood.

But you can
be a grandfather.
Do that
If you ever read this.

Happy Father's day..

1 comment:

starry said...

That was very well written, we miss the best part of our lives just to teach someone a lesson.the sad thing is that the person teaching the lesson is missing out of a lot of stuff.I hope your dad reads this.