Saturday, June 24, 2006

Getting personal

Jiby tagged me.. and here it is.. My secrets.. shhhhh!

My Accent - Typical Malaysian.. imagine each and every sentence spoken in a sing song manner ending with a sweet 'la' .. "I am enjoying every bit of life la"..

Booze - Used to drink Vodka and lime when I was doing medicine.., then it was beer while I was working.. stopped completely When I was expecting my daughter. Now nada..zilch.. tak boleh Tahan.. Now it is so bad that,If I drink sparkling wine(100% grape juice!), I get drunk!!

Chore I Hate - folding the laundry and Ironing.. I still don't understand, why someone had to invent Iron!! Imagine, if that idiot didn't invent iron, the amount of electricity we all could have saved!!

Dog or Cat - I don't like animals. I am scared of dogs and allergic to cats..

Essential Electronics - My laptop..nothing else.

Perfume - Chanel No 5.. used to like it, but after seeing how my daughters love to use my perfume on their barbie in liberal doses, I figured, it is better for my BP, if I stopped buying perfume..

Gold or Silver - Neither. I don't like to wear ornaments.

Home - Used to be a small house in Chengannur....once up on a time.. The house in KL, was just that,A house.

Insomnia - I am a night person. I can stay awake as long as I wish to.. I like the period between 3 and 4 Am. But I hate waking up in the morning. I morph in to a grizzly bear in the morning and my kids know, not to say anything till I had my morning cuppa..

Job Title - Highly qualified stay at home mother.

Living Arrangements - with three lovely kids!!!!

Most Admirable Traits - I never give up...

Number of Sexual Partners - Adoi! I lost the black book ..

Number of Times in Hospital - Now this question is a tad difficult. I have been to the hospital both as a patient and as a doctor.. countless times. I am a calamity jane, and I used to ride bikes.. that is a dreadful combination. I have broken all the limbs..

Phobias - I am petrified of failure.

Quote - "When love beckons to you, follow him". Kahlil Gibran

Religion - Orthodox Christian by birth..but currently agnostic..

Siblings - Three Sisters...all are doing well in life and make sure they tell me how I should live my life as well..( they think that I am a loser.. which obviously has some truth in it!)

Time I Wake Up - I get up everyday at 7.30AM( my daughter has to be at school at 8.15 AM!! and she is late most of the times, because her mother shuts off the alarm and goes back to sleep!) and on weekends, my wonderful kids make sure tht I geet up at 5AM.

Unusual Talent or Skill - I am ambidextrous.. I can easily write using my left or right hand..

Vegetable I Love - Cauliflower.. I am partial to it.. Even when it is very expensive, I still buy.. Life is never complete, if I don't have cauliflower in the fridge..I like to make cauliflower manchurian. I hate any vege that ends with 'Ka' in Malayalam.. Vendekka(ladies finger) pavakka( bitter gourd)!!

Worst Habit - I don't like to say good bye.. Most of my friends in Malaysia( actually even my family) didn't know when I came to Canada.. Even within Malaysia, when I was transferred I didn't call anyone to tell them that I am leaving.. I just pack my bags and leave.. Don't know why I do that..My friends hate me for that..but that is me..I don't like to say good bye.

X-Rays - Plenty..considering the number of times I broke my bones!!!

Yummy Food I Make - Best Red fish curry and avial.. also make good Tom yam..

Zodiac Sign - Sweet, dreamy pisces..


geeth said...

Hey, it looks like you broke your bones so many times!

hillgrandmom said...

Pisces! That figures. *hugs*

starry said...

Nice tag, learned a lot about your likes & dislikes

suemamma said...

tagged you, a picture tag (

jac said...

Now I know my answer.