Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Shapeless Amoeba

I am in this trap
set by the unknown hunter
each time I break free
he creates new traps.

I am always
someone's daughter
someone's sister
Someone's mother

in between I was
someone's wife
someone's daughter in law
someone's sister in law

All take a part of me
like a hawk digging for the flesh
I became this shapeless
moron, that nobody wants now.

Where is my food?
Where is my shirt?
Where is my car key?
Where is this or that?

I am forever the finder
the keeper
the giver
the lover

But what about me?
What am I?
Do I exist?
Am I the sacrificial lamb?

I want to break free
from the clutches
that tie me down
and find me..

But I lost the key
I lost me
I lost my soul
I am a shapeless amoeba.


starry said... are some one very special, I feel it in my heart.your children are lucky to have you. one day you will find yourself.right now you are someones mother. you are not a shapeless amoeba, because you have a spine and you stand tall,facing this the world.

m.reza said...

its a start.

suemamma said...

I felt like that so often when I was younger. But now I have a better idea of my existence even though I may not think it's all that great. But I'm me now.

suemamma said...

by the way you have been tagged for a picture tag!

jac said...

It is not defenitly a start.