Wednesday, June 14, 2006

To My precious daughter

Every single moment.

You will be 8 soon
and there are
many things
I want to tell you.

First, I want you
to know
I love you
every single moment.

I want you
to remember,
I am there for you
any time you need me.

I want you
to understand,
I trust and
believe you.

I want you
to learn,
the world is yours
to inherit

I want you
to remember
You are resposible
for your own actions.

I want you
to live
your life
without regrets.

I want you
to be happy
with whatever
you have.

I want you
to use,
your abilities
God has given you.

I want you
to understand,
in life sometimes you win,
sometimes you lose.

I want you
to know,
either way
I am there for you.

Every single moment.

photo: google


starry said...

That was nice,I am sure she knows that you will always be ther for her.

m.reza said...

every single moments, ...

Movie Mazaa said...

Precisely the reason why we love our MOMS!!


Unknown said...


jac said...
