Tuesday, August 08, 2006

one more time

Just one more chance.

one more time
walk with you on the beach
holding your hands.
chase the ugly crows
find our favourite bench
I will buy you your favourite
double shot espresso
while I drink my earl grey.

one more time
watch the sun set
hoping for the 'bounce'
to happen again
the changing colours
as the darkeness appears
and spot the first star and
sing starlight starbright

one more time
to eat an ona sadya
I will make your favourite Avial
and we will eat from the banana leaf
you and me
just you and me
in our haven

one more time
travel to kerala,
like you promised
to be with me,
when I visit the dead
and then the living.
and the temples
to watch kathakali

Just one more time
to be in your arms
to feel secure
to be loved
to be wanted
to be free
to be yours
just one more time


hillgrandmom said...

i do wish you could get your dream this Onam.

TheExperimentalMom said...

May all your wishes come true! They are beautiful...:)