Thursday, August 31, 2006

The options

The scenario

Three kids, my kids friends, they stay across my house. When I call my kids to come have dinner, they too would tag along. I can see hunger in their eyes.
Sometimes I offer them food..But i can't do it all the time, every single day. Sometimes I feel angry because people who have more money than me, don't bother to feed their children.

Their mother works all the time, they are kind of raised by their grandmother and are often not fed. ( They do live in a house worth currently about 750.000CAD)
I know what hunger is. I have been there.. The problem is, I don't have that much money to feed 3 more kids. I do have to feed my own kids. What do I do?
Do I ignore the hunger in their eyes? Then what did life teach me?


TOM's WORLD said...

if you have to feed all the hungry children, u would not have a penny for your own children. In finland, we have strict rules, when it is dinner time you call your kids for wash up and then the friends have to go home,and if you really feel strongly about it say contribute to the Un food programme, this small contribution will feed more mouths.

Alex said...

It sure is a diffucult situation to be in and i think you should talk to the childrens' parents about this.

Scoot said...

oh :(
that's really sad.Neglected children!

4peach said...

u should give them food if that act fills ur soul