Monday, August 14, 2006

You made me mad

In moments of madness
In moments of solitude
there lies a glimper
of hope
of you coming back.
I can see you
I can see your eyes
Your grin
Your frown

In moments of sanity
there is no hope
there are no dreams
there is the reality
that you are
so far away
far away from me
that I just
can't reach

I rather be mad and live
in the world of Insanity
in the company of the dead
and the ghouls
cause only then
Do I ever feel you
close by me.
and I see your shadow
that haunts me

You made me mad!


starry said...

I am sure it makes you mad Sarah and rightfully so.

Scoot said...

that's so intense and sad.
Where is the love when you really need it!Sense of betrayal all over this poem.
Overcome it ,we are strong.We need to find love in ourselves.But it's so difficult,I know