Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Has to be me's tag

This is a sort of a tag....from http://www.hastobeme.blogspot.com. And this is what it reads.......The Instructions: I shall give you a letter. Go back to your journal, and write ten words beginning with that letter, including an explanation of what those words means to you and why.

I got the letter C

This blog is more meaningful to those who has mallu blood..

1.Chakka: I spend many a summer in my ancestral home and chakka is something that is so versatile. 2 types of chakka: varikka and koozha. I don't eat koozha, it gets stuck in my throat. Varikka..green ones get fried to chakka upperi, or cooked with coconut as chakka puzhukku. Ripe ones get converted to chakka varatti or kumbil appam. Ammachi would steam the kumbil appam in vazhana ila..and I can eat tons of it..

2. Chatta: there is a joy in seeing an older woman in chatta, with neatly folded neriyathu and a sexy brooch.. they look dignified. I tried getting my mother to wear chatta...no luck. But I promise I will wear Chatta and mundu when I am old!!..hopefully there would still be tailors who know how to stitch a chatta.. With the advent of house coat and salwar, saree, set and mundu and chatta are in the endagered species list

3. Coffee. with ghee. I haven't had this for a looooong time. The coffee at home was robusta( i know the banana also hd the same name!!) and ammachi would boil it, then add a spoon of home made ghee and 1 spn( when she turns I add another 2 spoons) of sugar and give me to drink.. It was heavenly

4.Chavittu nadakom: I don't know if there are still people who do the chavittu nadakom.. this is a dance where they literally chavitti on the floor and tell you the story

5.Chakki: she was like a mother to me..always there when I needed her. passed away in mid 90's

6. Cauliflower: I don't like most of the vegetables. When I go to the market, my family knew I wouldn't buy any vege that ends with ka. pavakka, vendekka, etc.. But cauliflower.. I am partial to this one. I like it in almost any style, except raw. Aloo gobhi, cauliflower manchurian, cauliflower in white sauce..hmmmm yummy

7. Cars: I like driving. I dream of owning a maserati. ( I am a dangerous driver too..I like speeding. During the times when Malaysia had postal summons I used to dread checking my letter box.. each summons( often for speeding) cost RM 150 and I surely contributed sufficient money to the govt coffers

8. Cashewnuts: the story of how 'kashinettu' became cashewnut always fascinated me..More than the story, it is the taste of freshly roasted cashew.. I spend many a summer burning my finger, trying to pry open the burnt cashew shells to get the nut

9.Chattambi: The word..it is such a nice word.. you can call your kids chattambi and also the rowdy at the market.. My oldest could never twist her tongue and would always say chappandi and i still call her that

10:Churuttu: i have only eaten this in Kottayam. the thin rice flour skin is a trade secret and the makers of churuttu refused to let anyone know that. Churuttu is a samosa look alike, with sweet thin skin made of rice flour and filling made of avilose podi..


Has to be me said...


Thats super post! I appreciate ur list fully cos I'm a half mallu too! :)

I love chakka as well!

Coffee with ghee sounds v.new to me!

Thanu said...

This is a great list...