Tuesday, June 20, 2006

who am I?? I am an orphan

I came from both of you.
You were there
at different times
in my life.

Who do you love Sarah?
Do you love Appa more
Do you love Amma more
Who do you love more Sarah?

I tried telling you both
I love both of you
Why couldn't you
understand just that?

If I speak to Amma
Appa would get mad
If I speak to Appa
Amma would be mad

And between the
two of you
You have succeeded
making me an orphan.

I have both of you
yet I have no parents.
I just have a mom
and a dad some where.

Why? Why? Why?
I have asked that
a million times..

Why did you
make me an
while you are alive?


starry said...

That is really painful. often parents take it out on the child if they are unhappy with one another. The child just wants to belong to both.sometimes parents want children to take sides and that is wrong.

jac said...

Sarah, this is so touchy !

Some times this happens to many others too.